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The RKDF Loan

from 1 000 000 US dollars
for business development
to 60 months
from 5 %
Interest rate

Loans for business development under the program of the Russian-Kyrgyz Development Fund

Target audience:

Citizens of KR who meet the criteria for the selection of program participants, Temporary Regulations of the Government of KR


Small and medium-sized businesses registered and operating in the Kyrgyz Republic that meet the following criteria:

  1. Volume of gross income of SME for the previous year is not more than 200 million KGS;
  2. Average number of employees during the reporting period is not more than 250 people;
  3. Share of state participation, public and religious organizations (associations), charitable and other funds in the authorized capital of SMEs must not exceed 5 percent.
  4. Share in the authorized capital of SMEs owned by one or more legal entities that are not SMEs must not exceed 50%;
  5. SME to whom the loan is issued, must not be an insider or affiliated person of the bank or the Fund;
  6. The subject SME must have a stable financial position;
  7. No bankruptcy proceedings shall be instituted against the borrower, as well as its participants - legal entities, whose share in the authorized capital of the borrower exceeds 51 percent;
  8. Availability of clear and economically sound primary sources (to avoid the need to sell collateral in case of default) of repayment of each loan

Loan currency:KGS, USD

Loan amount:from 3 000 USD or equivalent in KGS to 1 000 000 USD or equivalent in KGS


Acquisition, renovation, expansion and modernization of fixed assets, by the following sectors: agro-industrial complex, garment and textile industry, manufacturing industry, mining and metallurgical industry, transport, infrastructure development, including infrastructure of tourism, trade, medicine and education, as well as other long-term investments of production orientation, aimed at achieving the goals and objectives specified in the Fund Charter and industry classification, posted on the official website of the Fund.

Refinancing loans in other banks shall not exceed 30% of the loan amount, and may be granted if the following conditions are simultaneously met:

1.Tthe refinanced loan was used for investment purposes and is associated with the project being implemented;

2. The intended use of the refinanced loan is confirmed by the relevant documents of the transaction (statements of account, contracts, invoices and invoices, GTE, consignment note, act of work performed, acceptance certificate);

3. Term of use of the refinanced loan is at least 6 months at the time of application review;

4. No overdue payments of principal and interest on the loan to be refinanced;

5. No restructuring of the refinanced loan related to the deterioration of the financial position or debt service (payment of principal debt and interest), unless otherwise decided by the Board of the Fund.

Refinancing of loans granted by financial and credit institutions other than banks is prohibited.

Interest rate:

In soms - 10% per annum; in US dollars - 5% per annum

In soms - 12% per annum; in US dollars - 7% per annum in the directions below:

- Improvement of tourism infrastructure in Bishkek

- Improving trade infrastructure

- Improvement of educational infrastructure

- Transport

- Communication and information services.  


*Effective interest rate from 5% per annum.




  • Entrepreneurs (individuals) working on a patent or as a PE;
  • Legal entities;
  • Own contribution of at least 15% of the total amount of each financed project.

Contributions to the project may include:

- cash and non-cash funds;

- financial resources invested in the capital costs of the project from the date of submitting an application to the Bank or before the application to the Bank, but subject to the confirmation that without these costs the part of the project financed by the Bank with the Loan would not make economic sense;

- assets in the form of production fixed assets used in the project.

  • The period of operation is not less than 12 months;
  • Availability of at least one cosigner with permanent income;
  • Cash-out amount for Bishkek, Osh, Jalal-Abad, Alamudun and Sokuluk districts of Chui region:

- 10% of the loan amount - if the loan amount does not exceed 2 million KGS (or 30 thousand USD)

- No more than 15 thousand USD (or 1 million KGS) within one loan - if the loan amount exceeds 2 million KGS (or 30 thousand USD)

Amount for cash withdrawal for the Panfilov, Zhaiyl, Moscow, Yssyk-Ata, Chui, Kemin districts of Chui region of KR, as well as Osh, Jalal-Abad, Yssyk-Kul, Talas, Batken and Naryn regions of KR is 30 thousand USD (or its equivalent in other currency);



Security of at least 1 person is required.

A cosigner with independent income or security by a spouse, if the client is married, proof of income is obligatory.

The Credit Committee, depending on the credit risk, has the right to increase the number of cosigners for a particular loan.


1. Borrower's passport and a notarized statement of marital status (if the Borrower is single/divorced/widowed);

2. Marriage registration certificate - provided to confirm the spousal relationship;

3. Borrower's spouse's passport (if any), statement of consent to receive a loan;

4. Documents of title and right certifying the pledged property;

5. Pledgor's passport and a notarized statement of marital status (if the Pledgor is single/divorced/widowed);

6. Marriage registration certificate - provided to confirm spousal relationsip; 

7. Passport of the pledger's spouse (if any), statement of consent to receive the loan;

8. Documents to verify business; 

9. Guarantor's passport and a statement of marital status (if the Guarantor is single/divorced/widowed);

10. Marriage registration certificate of the Guarantor - provided to confirm the spousal relationship;

11. Passport of the Guarantor's spouse (if any), statement of consent to bail;

12. Certificate of salary for at least the last 12 months (in tabular form - accrued, withheld, to be issued) or other documents confirming the solvency of the Guarantor;

13. Constituent documents if the Borrower is a legal entity.

14. As well as other documents necessary for loan execution

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Loan amount

Amount not selected

Interest rate

28 %

Monthly payment


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