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Luck is in your hands: two more winners of the “Bakai Bank” campaign have won iPhone 15!

14 August 2024

“Gifts from BAKAI” campaign from “Bakai Bank” continues to please its participants with generous prizes! Two more country residents have joined the list of the lucky ones, becoming the owners of new iPhone 15.

This time fortune smiled on the capital city residents - Nurtilek Kambarov and Janyl Kerimkulova. While making their usual operations in BakAi application, such as: QR payment, money transfer, payments and services, etc., - they did not even suspect that very soon they would receive advanced gadgets!

This is solid proof that luck may be on your side!

Want to own an iPhone 15 or a 2024 BYD Yuan Plus electric vehicle? 

Join the BAKAI Giveaway! You still have all chances to win an iPhone 15, as well as get guaranteed prizes for being active on the BakAi app. And of course, compete for the grand prize - BYD Yuan Plus 2024 electric car!

How do I become a participant?

* Update or download BakAi app (available on Google Play and App Store).
* Click on the “Gifts from BAKAI” campaign banner in the main menu.
* Familiarize yourself with the tasks and begin fulfilling them!

The more you use BakAi, the higher your chances of winning!

The campaign will run until August 31, 2024.

Switch to BAKAi and let luck smile on you!
