Fee for financial services replenishment

27 December 2023

Dear customers,

Please be informed that starting from January 10, 2024, when replenishing the Bank's cards and accounts through third-party payment terminals, electronic wallets and mobile applications, a 1% fee will be charged from the recipient on the amount exceeding 100,000 soms within one calendar month.

For example, if your account is replenished during a month for 140,000 soms, the 1% commission will be applied to 40,000 soms and your account will receive 100,000+(40,000-1%)=139,600 soms.

This applies only to replenishment through services where the commission is 0% of the payment amount and does not apply to replenishment of the following products: deposits, repayment of loans, including Islamic financing.

If you have any questions, please contact us at 6111 or 0312 610061
