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How can I protect my bank account from fraudsters?

07 June 2024

In today's world, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives, and online financial transactions have become commonplace. However, alongside the convenience, the risks of fraud are also increasing. Let's consider the main ways of protection from online fraudsters for bank customers.

Do not share personal information

Be careful who and where you give your bank details to. Never give your passwords, PINs, CVV codes or bank card numbers to third parties. Remember that bank employees will never ask for this data by phone or email.

Do not click on dubious links

Scammers create pages that look like the website of a bank, online store or courier service to make you think you are entering your details on a secure page. Always check the website address in the browser bar - if it differs from the official website, you are probably looking at a fraudulent site.

Be vigilant on social media

Do not post excessive personal information on social media. Fraudsters can use your data to launch more plausible attacks. Set privacy settings to limit access to your data to trusted individuals only.

It's important to understand social engineering

Social engineering is a technique in which scammers manipulate people to obtain sensitive information. They may use psychological techniques to induce trust or fear by getting you to divulge personal information or perform actions for their benefit. Be cautious when talking on the phone, especially if you are asked for personal or financial information. Remember that scammers can spoof the voices of your family, friends and coworkers.

By following these simple tips, you can greatly improve your online security and protect your bank details from fraudsters. Remember that online security is an ongoing process that requires your attention and caution.
