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Branch Schedule

29 August 2024

Dear customers,

Please note the operating schedule of certain branches:

  • Savings Bank No.153 (210 Lev Tolstoy St., Bishkek (Pishpek microdistrict) - closed on August 30, 2024;
  • Savings Bank No.166 (327 Abdrakhmanov St., Bishkek) - closed on August 30-31, September 1, 2024;
  • Savings Bank No.102 (Eastern industrial zone of Kant Cement Plant OJSC, Kant) - closed on September 2; 
  • Savings Bank No.169 (1 Sadygalieva St., Bishkek) - closed on September 6,7,8, 2024. 

The operations of the following savings banks is suspended starting August 30, 2024:

  • Savings Bank No.75 (118 Manas St., Talas, apt.2 - 2a) of the Talas Branch; 
  • Chui Sales Department (Promzona, Tokmok).
