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CASHBACK+ campaign continues!

28 June 2024

Dear customers,

we are pleased to remind you that the "CASHBACK+" campaign continues and for the period between July 01, 2024 and July 31, 2024 the increased cashback up to 5% applies to the following:






resident individual/
Salary project/
resident revolving card

(Citizens of KR)


Promotion for one month per merchant category
(local transactions)

7832 - Movie Theaters,
7922 - Theatrical production agencies,
7929 - Music bands, orchestras and other entertainment services,
7991 - Tourist attractions and shows,
7996 - Luna parks, carnivals, circuses.

5%* (ground and internet acquiring*)

ffrom July 1, 2024 to July 31, 2024.


   *No restrictions on payment

Cashback +" campaign is valid until 30 August 2024 only for citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic on Visa cards in Kyrgyz soms. The promotion is not available for salary project cards, where 3% bonus is accrued on the account balance.

The category of services for the increased cashback up to 5% is updated from time to time.

Cashback will be displayed in the application after the transaction is processed by the Bank. Cashback is credited on the last working day of the month.

Detailed info
