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"Fall Business" promotion - enhance your business with benefits!

02 September 2024

Discover new opportunities with business loans from Bakai Bank! Special promotional terms to elevate your business. 

Advantages of our business loans:

  • Interest rates starting 16% per annum (EAR from 16% per annum); 
  • Loans in KGS, from 15 000 KGS and more;
  • Flexible repayment terms;
  • Fast application processing

Goal is to support the development of all types of businesses, including trade, services, manufacturing, agribusiness, and more. 

How to obtain a loan?

  • Apply at any branch of Bakai Bank; 
  • Receive consultation and approval and use the funds to grow your business. 

The promotion runs from September 2 to November 30, 2024.

Let us help your business ride the wave of success! 
